Dozens of activities can cause back pain, but the root problem is almost always the same... compression!
When your vertebrae are squished into one another it often irritates or pinches a nerve. So you can massage, sauna, and medicate yourself all day long, but you need to create more space in your vertebral column to relieve that pressure.
Traction is a term used by orthopedic and chiropractic doctors and describes any treatment that pulls or lengthens the spine apart. Strength and flexibility training are crucial parts of this process but nothing as immediate and obvious as hanging upside down.
With age, inactivity and imbalances from modern day life, most adults have some degree of disk degeneration (osteoarthritis), and with each passing year, spinal care becomes more and more important.
This is also where a regular practice in Aerial Yoga aka Yoga Trapeze can help!